E3.Harness Builder Reporting

Wire Harness Design and Manufacturing Ecosystem​


Wire Harness Design for Manufacturing​

Zuken’s powerful and versatile wire harness design platform caters to various industry verticals, including transportation, defense, aerospace, machinery, and consumer electronics. The intelligent and purpose-built library structures help capture vital manufacturing data to improve the design to manufacturing workflow. The digital formboard determines wire lengths automatically, and a packing algorithm calculates the outside diameter of the harness segments. 

The interactive automation functions simplify, the placement, sizing, dimensioning, and arrangement of harness components and branches. Industry partnerships create a collaborative ecosystem to drive automated testing, manufacturing, and assembly. The comprehensive reporting capabilities help extract data from the design to produce wire lists, bills of materials, quotes, labels, and design packages for connected business systems. 

Wire Harness Design for Manufacturing

Starting Design from Excel

Jump-start, the design process, using from/to connectivity data or PCB pinout stored in excel or CSV files. Design teams often receive connectivity data, wiring details, and block configuration internally or from suppliers and OEMs. Manually entering or recreating the data is a common source of errors.

E3.series provides users the flexibility to define and map the column configuration without increasing the complexity of the import process. Linking PCB blocks in the project with external files enables engineers to update design data interactively, avoiding rework.

Cabling and Wiring Diagrams

Harness Builder


Starting Design from Mechanical design

Starting Design from Mechanical design

E3.series offers a variety of solutions to improve the collaboration between MCAD and ECAD teams without redefining their respective roles. Although the electrical engineers own the logical connectivity and wire sizing, mechanical restrictions and route lengths rely heavily on the physical features of the routing path. The use of native files from leading MCAD tools and industry-standard formats unlocks unparalleled flexibility to the collaboration process.

Electrical engineers gain the ability to intelligently verify and heal the most common 3D harness route segmentation issues without relying on the mechanical team. The harness flattening functions simplify transitioning from a 3D harness export to a 2D formboard drawing. The connectivity between logical and physical architecture in E3.series improves data reliability with automatic updates across the entire project.

3D Transformer

3D RoutingBridge

Automating Quotes and Reports

Automatically create estimates, quotes, bills of materials, wire lists, and many more reports to drive upstream and downstream processes. The standard built-in reports provide data and format configuration options to meet documentation requirements.

The intelligent report generation tools help users create customizable reporting templates with export options for multiple file formats. The preconfigured connectors enable exporting reports directly to leading PLM and PDM solutions. The free open API access unlocks customers’ unfettered access to customize connectivity and reporting further…

Harness Builder


Automating Quotes and Reports

Automating Design Processes

Automating Design Processes

E3.series harness design tools transform a predominantly manual formboard layout and detailing process into an intelligent automated process. Building on the solid foundation of a highly automated schematic creation process, the wire harness design utilizes the same data to drive the formboard creation. The formboard drawings allow designers to create 1:1 scale manufacturing or scaled documentation drawings without sacrificing manufacturing data or length calculations.

A sophisticated packing algorithm powers the automatic wire bundle and segment diameter calculation to improve harness route planning. Automated tools utilize the segment diameters to add harness protection, labels, tapes, and other accessories, drastically improving consistency and reducing design overheads. Automatic formboard tables display up-to-date connectors and harness assembly information to eliminate data entry errors.

Cabling and Wiring Diagrams

Harness Builder

Connecting with Testing Machines

Easily drive automated wire harness testing machines directly from the design details. The export options for Cirris, DIT-MCO, Dynalabs, CamiResearch, Nexeya, CKT Technologies, and more provide an easy path to improved quality and time savings. Teams save time and effort by fully utilizing the data captured in the design to simplify the test creation process.

Zuken’s ever-expanding partnerships and connections enable wire harness designers to connect with leading testing machines to meet various industry requirements. The export and connection options provide solutions ranging from simple CSV exports to native data files for the devices.

Harness Builder

Connecting with Testing Machines

Driving Manufacturing Automation

Driving Manufacturing Automation

The intelligent logical and physical harness data is the driving force behind the multitude of manufacturing automation options in E3.series tools. The device and wire tags, labels, and other annotations are available in configurable output formats to connect leading labeling, marking, and printing options.

The wire information in the library and the wire lengths from the project provide accurate data to wire cutting and processing machines. Dynamically configurable data drives machines of sizes from leading vendors like Schleuniger, Komax, and Argus. Connect to intelligent augmented smart assembly aids like ProjectionWorks and Laselec to leap towards the digital transformation of the manufacturing process.

Harness Builder

Got a Question? - Contact Zuken today

For more information on how Zuken can help your design process, contact Zuken today.
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