A person typing on a laptop with a digital overlay of interconnected document icons and folders, representing transforms intricate engineering processes into clear, manageable workflows facilitated by GENESYS, Model-based Systems Engineering Software.

Model-Based Systems Engineering Software

GENESYS: Where Complexity Meets Clarity

Streamline Product Development with Model-based Systems Engineering

The interdisciplinary nature of modern products requires alignment and collaboration between diverse engineering teams, including electrical, mechanical, software, and systems engineers. In addition, a seamless process is required that connects requirements with detail engineering in a dynamic and bi-directional way.

GENESYS is Zuken’s MBSE solution enabling bridges between the gap across these disciplines, ensuring that all team members have a clear and consistent understanding of the system under development. Whether you’re tackling sophisticated system architectures, managing intricate requirements, or validating critical performance metrics, GENESYS provides the tools you need to innovate and excel in today’s fast-paced technological landscape.

Hand pointing at a flowchart diagram on a blackboard, illustrating Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) for streamlined product development. This method enhances interdisciplinary collaboration between engineering teams, including electrical, mechanical, software, and systems engineers, as discussed in the accompanying text.

GENESYS Empowers Modern Interdisciplinary Product Development

GENESYS facilitates interdisciplinary system development and collaboration.  The solution is unique in the field of MBSE applications by dynamically connecting all model elements, ensuring continuous model consistency on all levels. GENESYS is based on the STRATA method and CDSL, a natural modeling language that bridges the gap across heterogeneous disciplines, ensuring that all team members have a clear and consistent understanding of the system under development. With these capabilities, it proves particularly valuable to address a broad spectrum of today’s engineering challenges.

Efficiently Manage Diverse Requirements

GENESYS stands out in its ability to manage and harmonize multiple sets of complex requirements using advanced requirements libraries. These libraries also provide templates that help you to systematically organize and prioritize various requirements, including regulatory and customer-specific needs, ensuring all aspects of compliance and customer satisfaction are addressed throughout the product development cycle.

Illustration of interconnected icons representing diverse requirements management, with a factory at the center, highlighting GENESYS MBSE software from Zuken's ability to harmonize complex requirements using advanced libraries, ensuring compliance and customer satisfaction throughout the product development cycle.

A hand drawing data charts and graphs, showcasing GENESYS's capability to model unknowns, risks, and concerns early in the design process, enhancing flexibility and strategic decision-making.

Navigate Design Decisions Amidst Uncertainty

Leverage GENESYS to make informed design decisions even under conditions of uncertainty. Our MBSE framework provides the tools to model and encapsulate unknowns, risks and concerns early in the design process, offering a flexible approach that adapts to new information and changes, thereby reducing risks and enabling more strategic decision-making.

Promote Portfolio-Wide Reuse in Engineering

Utilize GENESYS to achieve portfolio-wide efficiency in engineering through effective model reuse. The system enables you to identify and apply successful designs and processes across different product lines, enhancing consistency and reducing redundant efforts across projects. This approach not only saves time but also ensures quality and uniformity in engineering outcomes.

Interconnected blocks representing efficient model reuse in engineering and how GENESYS enhances portfolio efficiency by applying successful designs across product lines.

A person writing on a tablet with a laptop, representing how GENESYS links requirements to design elements, streamlining quotation, application, and product development for quick, accurate, and efficient outcomes.

Align Application and Product Development

By dynamically linking requirements to design elements within a model, GENESYS synchronizes the quotation, application development, and product development processes, allowing teams to seamlessly integrate complex project requirements into a unified workflow. This enables quicker turnaround times and higher accuracy in delivering customized products, while safeguarding efficiency and profitability.

Advance Sustainable Product Development

GENESYS empowers manufacturers to adopt sustainable practices throughout the product lifecycle. GENESYS offers freely definable and computable parameters for each element of a model, so teams can add sustainability parameters such as the CO2 footprint of a component and thus effectively monitor and optimize the environmental impact of their products, managing everything from carbon footprints to energy consumption in the supply chain. This strategic approach not only meets regulatory demands but also enhances corporate responsibility and sustainability goals.

A hand holding a globe with a recycling symbol, representing GENESYS's ability to add and monitor sustainability parameters like CO2 footprint in the product lifecycle.

Book your FREE MBSE Readiness Assessment

Enhance collaboration, efficiency and accuracy in your design process though use of GENESYS, MBSE. Let's discuss how MBSE can help your business needs.
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