Systems Engineering for Rapid Innovation in a Hyper-Dynamic World, Part 2

This is the second in a series of three blog posts about systems engineering for rapid innovation in a hyper-dynamic world. The Part 1 introduced the subject; this post  wraps up the discussion started in the last post on how to address each of the three key systems from the standpoint of rapid innovation. Part 3 concludes with recommendations on how the systems engineer should proceed in such an environment.

Systems engineers today are asked to develop increasingly complex systems-of-interest within enterprises and external environments that are also rapidly changing and dynamic. Requirements developed on day one may be irrelevant before the project has concluded. The “game” we’re playing is an infinite one. If we do not understand that, we will get overtaken by a competitor who does. By acknowledging these realities and adapting to them, we can still navigate today’s world with skill and finesse.

Check out the original post for the full story, then follow our blog to read part 3.

Read the original post

Amy Clements
Amy Clements
Director of Marketing Communications
Amy is the Director of Marketing Communications in North America. Her role includes advertising, public relations, event management, social media, and more. She thrives on managing complex projects, especially when there is an opportunity to interact with customers. In her spare time, she and her family enjoy traveling.