Vitech April Webinar

4 Ways to Put Your SE Model to Work with GENESYS

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We put traditional analytical engineering models to work every day. Whether evaluating loads and stress, fluid dynamics, or circuit loads, sophisticated models enable us to reliably repeat calculations, demonstrate feasibility, and evaluate alternatives. But what about the descriptive architectural models that are the foundation for model-based systems engineering? Done well, these models capture the journey from the first statement of need through requirements, architecture, and test. They reflect the design and specification for detailed engineering. But can they do more?

In this practical webinar, we will look at four ways you can make your descriptive architectural model work for you. All four will be discussed at a conceptual level and demonstrated using GENESYS™. Ranging from basic concepts of automated document generation to more powerful concepts such as design consistency and evaluation, these techniques coupled with the right systems engineering environment help maximize your return on investment from MBSE.

David’s bio:

david-longFor over 25 years, David Long has focused on helping organizations increase their systems engineering proficiency while simultaneously working to advance the state of the art. David is the founder and president of Vitech, where he leads the team in delivering innovative, industry-leading methods and software (CORE™ and GENESYS™) to help organizations engineer next-generation systems. He co-authored A Primer for Model-Based Systems Engineering and frequently delivers keynotes and tutorials at industry events around the world. An INCOSE Fellow and Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP), David was the 2014-2015 president of INCOSE.

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