functional design - car and plane

E3.Functional Design

E3.Functional Design – Concept design to detailed wiring

Zuken’s E3.series is used for documenting and detailing electrical and fluid design projects. Its flexibility supports the entire process from definition and design, through manufacturing and maintenance. Its unique object-oriented architecture ensures all stages of the design are fully synchronized.

E3.Functional Design is an add-on module to E3.cable that supports the development of the first sketches used to drive the detailed wiring. In the early development phases, block diagrams are created and connected through specified communication channels. Then functional units containing signal properties are placed in dynamic components. After the desired functional units of a dynamic component are correctly assigned, the dynamic component is replaced by a standard component from the library.

These standard components include the additional information needed to complete the project, such as connector, mating connector, and connector pin terminals. Additionally, they inherit defined connection information from the functional design. This enables the schematic/wiring and fluid diagrams to be created quickly and easily.


  • Supports functional units of symbols
  • Functional schematics of modules
  • Functional system block diagrams
  • Define valid connection pathways between functional blocks
  • Place functional units in functional blocks
  • Automatic signal routing between functional blocks
  • Define internal connections in functional blocks
  • Generate additional pins on functional blocks
  • Define connector and pin configurations
  • Automatically check unused ports
  • Assign functional blocks to real components
  • Reuse functional design for wiring diagram

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functional design - car and plane